

We all are connected

Friday, February 12, 2010

A Message Received

There is no accident with the timing of all that is transpiring. You have heard this again and again. Trust in that plan that is unfolding. Accepting your destinyis knowing how to work with the powers of co-creation that you have. There is no accident with the timing of all that is transpiring. You have heard this again and again. Trust in that plan that is unfolding. Accepting your destiny. And use your powers to work with the powers of co-creation that you have.
Past the year 2013 there will be more of a full awakening of human potential. You believe you have come out of the dark ages, but in essence, in truth you have not. It is past the year 2013 that you will have emerged out of the dark ages and emerged into the light. Even though this is not going to be an easy transformation and transition for any of us to make, it does not need to bring any more suffering than already exists.

The three primary powers of co-creation that you have to work with are intention, which is one and the same as your will, will focused in the form of intention being the first power.

The second power being your intuition and the third power being your imagination. All three of these powers are becoming activated to their fullest potential especially those who are welcoming that and accepting that and the responsibility and authority that comes with those powers, being fully activated.

Imagination, many believe there is no accountability that is necessary for imaginations because that which exists in the imagination is unreal. This is not the case. If something exists in the imagination, it is real; it exists because it exists in the imagination. It may not exist in the 3rd dimensional world or in the 3rd dimensional form, but it exists. You define what is real by that which exists. However, you go further and define that which is real by that which is tangible and measurable however, there is so much more than that which is tangible or measurable.
Take this to heart. If everything that exists in your imagination is real and is in existence in some plane or dimension (even if it is just in the dimension of thought) there is much more accountability that needs to happen with human kind being more accountable for their imaginings, for how you use your imagination and how you use your will. Do not be afraid to use your imagination. Do not be afraid to use your will. But be very aware and conscious and aware and conscientious about using it in harmony and accord with universal laws and principles knowing that for every action there is a reaction, for everything that exists in one plane or dimension there is a ripple effect in another. This is to be proven in your science through super string theory as your quantum physicists have been working on at this time.

There is a unified voice that will be guiding us and our intuition and if everyone listens, it will be unique as to how each one of us will be guided specifically, but the voice of the inner teacher, it is one, thus it will be unified. We need to co-create during this Rite of Passage as much as possible even if it is just with a critical mass of us with a unified intention, a unified intuition that is assured if we follow it and follow our hearts. Unified visions within the imagination, imagine that type of unity, imagine what peace really looks like, imagine what peace really feels like.
There will be many things you can use to stimulate your imaginations, many on the earth have shut down their imaginations and tend to have this be their weakest part or use it only to a limited degree. The imagination is the doorway into the creative mind of God, the creative power and potential of God. It is that important and significant!

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